Frequently Asked Questions

What type of work do you accept?

We represent both fiction and non-fiction in a variety of categories. Please review our submission guidelines for more information.

How do I make a submission to your Agency?

For our submission guidelines, please click or tap here.

How long does it take to hear back about a submission?

If we are interested in seeing further material we normally respond within 4-6 weeks. However, the process may take longer depending on the volume of submissions we may be reviewing at a particular time. Please do not call to check on the status of your submission – if you have a question or concern with regard to your submission, email is the best way to inquire.

Do any of your Agents belong to professional associations such as the AALA or PACLA?

Yes, Curtis Russell and Carly Watters are founding members of the Professional Association of Canadian Literary Agents (PACLA). In addition, Maria Vicente and Cecilia Lyra are PACLA members. And, Carly and Maria are also members of the Association of American Literary Agents (AALA).

What should a creator avoid in the query letter?

A query letter should avoid personal circumstances. You are sending a business letter to business professionals who are evaluating whether they can profit from the work and the relationship.

Do you charge reading fees?

Not at our Agency.

How are literary agents paid?

An agent receives a percentage of any advance and all royalties.

What is your rate for services as an agent?
As Literary Agents, we receive 15% commission on domestic sales (the United States and Canada), and 25% on foreign sales. We may employ a sub-agent for sale of TV/film rights or foreign rights.
What does a literary agent do for creators?
A literary agent has connections. They know the publishers inside and out and make sure your work gets into the hands of the right publisher. An agent’s job is to get you published – that’s how they make money.
Agent representation gives you an immediate degree of credibility. Publishers understand that if an agent has agreed to represent a project, there must be some merit to it. Some publishers simply will not deal with anyone but an agent.

An agent has the experience, skills and motivation to negotiate the best publishing contract for a creator. It’s a simple formula – the more the creator makes, the more the agent makes.

Once a book is published, an agent can continue to help manage the book’s life cycle, which may include paperback, foreign publishing, television or film deals, etc.

How do I know if an agent is dishonest?
There are a lot of fantastic and dedicated agents out there who make their living by selling their client’s work to legitimate royalty paying publishers. However, there are some who make their living by charging fees, engaging in referral schemes and by misrepresenting themselves.

An agent has the experience, skills and motivation to negotiate the best publishing contract for a creator. It’s a simple formula – the more the creator makes, the more the agent makes.

Once a book is published, an agent can continue to help manage the book’s life cycle, which may include paperback, foreign publishing, television or film deals, etc.

How long does it take to sell my work?
It could take 1 day, or it could take 5 years. You should view this process as a long term business relationship.
On average, approximately 99% of submissions to publishers and literary agents get rejected, especially if you’ve never been published. Don’t take rejection personally and don’t let it discourage you as a creator. You may need to revise your work and give it another try.
Do you have any internships or literary agent positions available?

Please click or tap here for more information.

Do you accept queries from outside of North America?
We work with creators from anywhere in the world.
Can I submit an un-finished manuscript?
For fiction, we will only consider queries for completed manuscripts. For non-fiction, you must have a completed full-length proposal prepared.
If I become a client, will I get published?
We can’t guarantee you will get published, but we can guarantee we will work hard to try to make that happen.
How can I contact a client?

Please submit your request by email.