non-Fiction titles

Featured below are some of the adult and children’s non-fiction titles represented by the P.S. Literary Agency.

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non-Fiction ADULT


Your Unconscious Is ShowingYour Unconscious Is Showing
Dr. Courtney Tracy
 width=Matchmaker Matchmaker
Aleeza Ben Shalom
Releasing the Mother LoadReleasing the Mother Load
Erica Djossa
Mechanic Shop Femme’s Guide to Car Ownership and MaintenanceMechanic Shop Femme’s
Guide to Car Ownership

Chaya Milchtein
The Book of Sandwiches
Jason Skrobar
The Mother Next DoorThe Mother Next Door
Andrea Dunlop
and Mike Weber
On the Wrong SideOn the Wrong Side
Dr. Nicole Bedera
Super Tonics
Meredith Youngson
You, Your Husband, and His Mother
Dr. Tracy Dalgleish
I Didn’t Sign Up for This
Dr. Tracy Dalgleish
Dry HumpingDry Humping
Tawny Lara
The Sobriety DeckThe Sobriety Deck
Tawny Lara
and Lisa Smith
DebtFreeForeverCanadaRevisedEditionDebt-Free Forever
Gail Vaz-Oxlade
NeverTooLateCanadaRevisedEditionNever Too Late
Gail Vaz-Oxlade
MoneyRulesCoverMoney Rules
Gail Vaz-Oxlade
iymcoverIt’s Your Money
Gail Vaz-Oxlade
CEO of Everything
Gail Vaz-Oxlade
and Victoria Ryce
SavingforSchoolCoverSaving for School
Gail Vaz-Oxlade
MoneyTalksCoverMoney Talks
Gail Vaz-Oxlade
The Woo-WooThe Woo-Woo
Lindsay Wong
Good Food, Bad DietGood Food, Bad Diet
Abby Langer
Eat With Us
Philip Lago
and Mystique Mattai
Post ManPost Man
Alex Manley
The New MasculinityThe New Masculinity
Alex Manley
CineflixThe Flight 981 Disaster
Southern StormSouthern Storm
CineflixLast Days of the Concorde
Eat Your FeelingsEat Your Feelings
Lindsey Smith
NobodyCaresCoverNobody Cares
Anne T. Donahue
Small Tornadoes: EssaysSmall Tornadoes: Essays
Anne T. Donahue
Another Good DogAnother Good Dog
Cara Sue Achterberg
One Hundred Dogs and CountingOne Hundred Dogs and Counting
Cara Sue Achterberg
The Science of Orphan BlackThe Science of Orphan Black
Casey Griffin
and Nina Nesseth
Nightmare Fuel
Nina Nesseth
Good for Your Gut
Desiree Nielsen
Eat More Plants
Desiree Nielsen
Plant Magic
Desiree Nielsen
Friendship SignsFriendship Signs
Brianne Hogan
Joy in the StarsJoy in the Stars
Brianne Hogan
Joy in the Stars Cosmic JournalJoy in the Stars Cosmic Journal
Brianne Hogan
 width=Dear Scarlet
Teresa Wong
 width=All Our Ordinary Stories
Teresa Wong
TheBookofLettersCoverThe Book of Letters
I Didn’t Know Where to Send

Steve Patterson
Dad Up!Dad Up!
Steve Patterson
Eat to Feed
Eliza Larson
and Kristy Kohler
What We Didn't ExpectWhat We Didn’t Expect
Melody Schreiber
Are You Afraid of the Dark Rum?Are You Afraid of the Dark Rum?
Sam Slaughter
Geek Girls Don’t Cry
Andrea Towers
Fight, Magic, ItemsFight, Magic, Items
Aidan Moher
Weed WitchWeed Witch
Sophie Saint Thomas
Finding Your Higher SelfFinding Your Higher Self
Sophie Saint Thomas
The Little Book of CBD for Self-CareThe Little Book of CBD for Self-Care
Sophie Saint Thomas
Sex WitchSex Witch
Sophie Saint Thomas
Glamour WitchGlamour Witch
Sophie Saint Thomas
Reproductive RitesReproductive Rites
Sophie Saint Thomas
The Zero-Waste ChefThe Zero-Waste Chef
Anne-Marie Bonneau
Blind Man's BluffBlind Man’s Bluff
James Tate Hill
China UnboundChina Unbound
Joanna Chiu
50MomentsCover50 Moments that Defined
Major League Baseball

Rocco Constantino
Beyond Baseball's Color BarrierBeyond Baseball’s Color Barrier
Rocco Constantino
The Embroidered ClosetThe Embroidered Closet
Alexandra Stratkotter
I’m Telling the Truth, but I’m Lying
Bassey Ikpi
The Case for Cancel Culture
Ernest Owens
Desire: An Inclusive Guide to Navigating Libido Differences in Relationships
Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy
and Dr. Jennifer Vencill
Break an Egg!: The Broadway CookbookBreak an Egg!: The Broadway Cookbook
Tara Theoharis
Tomb Raider: The Official Cookbook and Travel GuideTomb Raider: The Official Cookbook and Travel Guide
Tara Theoharis
Minecraft: Gather, Cook, Eat! Official CookbookMinecraft: Gather, Cook, Eat! Official Cookbook
Tara Theoharis
EverythingIsNegotiableCoverEverything Is Negotiable
Meg Myers Morgan
Jay Onrait
Number TwoNumber Two
Jay Onrait
TheNewCanadianGardenCoverThe New Canadian Garden
Mark Cullen
GrowingUpGourmetCoverGrowing Up Gourmet
Jennifer Carlson
The Wellness Kitchen
Paulette Lambert
THEUKCoverThe Happiness Equation
Dr. Nattavudh (Nick) Powdthavee
NoFearsNoExcusesCoverNo Fears, No Excuses
Larry Smith
The Mentor Myth
Debby Carreau
Gerry Dee
Funny You Should Say That Funny You Should Say That
Gerry Dee
10pscoverThe 10-Pound Shred
Tommy Europe
8-Bit Apocalypse8-Bit Apocalypse
Alex Rubens
Unf*ck Your HabitatUnf*ck Your Habitat
Rachel Hoffman
Cleaning SucksCleaning Sucks
Rachel Hoffman
InSightsCoverIn Sights
Tim Rees
WholeBowlsCoverWhole Bowls
Allison Day
Purely Pumpkin
Allison Day
Modern Lunch
Allison Day
Turned OnTurned On
Ross Benes
Sex Weird-o-Pedia
Ross Benes
Trauma Beat
Tamara Cherry
Quarantine Life from Cholera to COVID-19
Kari Nixon
Danny Loves PastaDanny Loves Pasta
Danny Freeman
Oven to TableOven to Table
Jan Scott
Girl Squads
Sam Maggs
Wonder Women
Sam Maggs
How I Know White People Are Crazy and Other Stories
Jonathan Mathias Lassiter
Launching While FemaleLaunching While Female
Susanne Althoff
Let Them Play
Harrison Browne
and Rachel Browne
StoneThrowerCoverThe Stone Thrower
Jael Richardson
 width=Dead Reckoning
Carys Cragg
 width=One Bad Mother
Ej Dickson
 width=Blackjack Secrets
Jay Moore
 width=They Will Tell You the World Is Yours
Anna Mitchael
 width=The Minimalist-ish Journal
Christina Mychas
Forever for the CultureForever for the Culture
Steven Underwood
 width=Three Cheers
Kaitlyn Stewart
 width=Street Smarts University
Dannah Eve