creator comments

…a massive thank-you to the incredible Claire Harris at P.S. Literary Agency. Claire, thank you for pulling Renfield County out of the slush. I am so so grateful for you every single day…thank you to the entire crew at P.S. Literary Agency. What an incredibly kind, giving group of humans.

Sam Rebelein

Author of , Edenville

Cece Lyra, my tireless agent, worked her tail off to help this book become a reality. She is a very talented matchmaker, finding just the right home for my vision. Thank you, Cece, for helping me make this book the best it could be and connecting me with publishers who believe in it just as much as I do

Aleeza Ben Shalom

Author of , Matchmaker Matchmaker

I am so grateful for my wonderful agent, Carly Watters, for loving the Trans as much as I do. From the moment you said yes, you made my dreams come true.

Mai Nguyen

Author of , Sunshine Nails

An enormous thank-you to my agent, Carly Watters at P.S. Literary — it’s a joy to have you on my team, and I’m looking forward to many more literary adventures with you!

Jane Healey

Author of , Goodnight from Paris

I’m deeply indebted to my agent, Curtis Russell of P.S. Literary. Your brilliant editing and unflagging belief in this book deserve all the credit for it becoming a reality. Thanks for your steady hand on the wheel through the endlessly bumpy route to publication.

J.D. Peabody

Author of , The Inkwell Chronicles: The Ink of Elspet

My thanks to my agent, Carly Watters, who didn’t give up on me and who helped to bring out the very best in my characters and this story.

Kitty Johnson

Author of , Five Winters

This book wouldn’t exist without Maria Vicente, who is key for taking my ‘wouldn’t these be cool?’ ideas and transforming them into the beginnings of a book. I’m forever grateful.

Nina Nesseth

Author of , Nightmare Fuel

Huge thanks (bouquets of flowers, boxes of brigadeiros, gallons of champagne) to my agent CeCe Lyra-getting your first email in May of 2021 was the best thing that happened to my writing career. I am forever indebted to you for seeing the potential in my work and helping me navigate the crazy world of publishing.

Laura Leffler

Author of , Tell Them You Lied

Thank you to my agent, Cecilia Lyra, for her editorial guidance, faith, and emotional support. CeCe, thank you for believing in this story from the beginning, for understanding its message, and for championing honesty and authenticity. Thank you for guiding me through every step of the publishing process, for believing in me and my potential as a novelist, and for constantly reminding me to believe in myself. None of this would have been possible without you. I am incredibly lucky to be represented by you. Thank you to the P.S. Literary Agency team, as well, for their work in helping bring this book into existence and for promoting it since its early stages.

Anamely Salgado Reyes

Author of , My Mother Cursed My Name

Carly Watters, my agent, what can I say. I know that helping me write my book proposal was like trying to get blood from a stone, but somehow you managed without giving up on me. Trust me, there were a few points in that process when I thought that’s where the conversation was going to go. You’ve always had my back, you ferocious mama bear, and I am so grateful to have you on my side. Thank you.

Abby Langer

Author of , Good Food, Bad Diet

I’m very fortunate to have an incredible agent, Carly Watters…

Joanna Chiu

Award-winning Author of , China Unbound

Thank you to my agent, Carly Watters. I got supremely lucky the day you chose to represent me, and I will forever be grateful for all you’ve done for me and my career. I appreciate your guidance, dedication, and friendship.

Susie Orman Schnall

Author of , We Came Here to Shine

As always, I would be nowhere without my incredible agent, Maria Vicente, who had faith in my writing long before I did. It’s been wonderful to watch her career blossom, and I’m so grateful to have her as my partner on this weird and wild writing journey.

Sam Maggs

Author of , Con Quest!

Thank you to my agent, Carly Watters, for being by my side since the very beginning. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. And thank you to the team at the P.S. Literary Agency; your continued support is so much appreciated.

Karen Katchur

Author of , Spring Girls

To my agent, Claire Harris, thank you… You’re a rockstar and I’m so lucky to have you in my corner.

Carly Robyn

Author of , Drive Me Crazy

To my agent, Claire Harris, where to start? Thank you for believing me and my work, not only this manuscript but the one that came before and, hopefully, the ones that come after. While I could quite literally not do this without you, I would never even want to.

Betty Corrello

Author of , Summertime Punchline

Immense thanks to my agent, Claire Harris at P.S. Literary, for all your guidance and support throughout the years. Thank you for all those reads and re-reads, brainstorming sessions, and pep talks. I love that you think big and never doubted for a second that this book would become a reality. Thank you for sticking with me through the ups and downs of this crazy author life and for making my dreams come true.

Katie Collom

Author of , Peter Miles Has to Die

Thanks to Maria Vicente, an actual angel, for answering all my questions and taking such good care of me.

Ari North

Author of , Always Human

As always, I’m very grateful to have my incredible agent, Carly Watters, who is like a life coach, crisis negotiator, and financial advisor all in one.

Lindsay Wong

Author of , My Summer of Love and Misfortune

…to my agent, Carly Watters, who has been there for me every step of the way these past few years.

Andrea Dunlop

Author of , We Came Here to Forget

To Carly Watters, you are the agent with the mostest; I am so thrilled to work with you. You make me feel supported and understood and helped shape the vision for Eat More Plants so it could become stronger. Thank you for believing in this project and in my ability to pull it off.

Desiree Nielsen

Author of , Eat More Plants

…to my agent, Curtis Russell of P.S. Literary Agency. Thank you for taking the phone calls when I was at my wit’s end and encouraging me to keep pressing forward. I appreciate your ongoing vote of confidence and your true advocacy for my work.

Matthew Farrell

Bestselling Author of , I Know Everything

To Carly Watters: Working with you has been everything I ever hoped for in a business partnership: collaborative, fun, and successful! Thank you for taking a chance and adding me to your team of awe-inspiring writers and for believing I could write whatever project came our way.

Jan Scott

Bestselling Author of , Oven to Table

First, to my ridiculously cool and wonderful agent, Carly Watters, you have, quite literally, changed my life.

Meg Myers Morgan

Author of , Everything Is Negotiable

A big thank-you to my agent, Carly Watters, for always having my back and never giving up on me.

Karen Katchur

Bestselling Author of , River Bodies

I have to thank and salute the following people for their incredible belief in my work: the indefatigable Carly Watters and the team at P.S. Literary…

Lindsay Wong

Bestselling Author of , The Woo-Woo

First, thank you to my agent, Carly Watters, who believed in me years ago when I pitched her the book that never actually got published. It’s meant a lot to have you in my corner and to know that even when I was beginning to lose faith in myself, you kept it. Our lives have changed a lot over the last half decade, but I’m so happy to still have you in mine.

Anne T. Donahue

Bestselling Author of , Nobody Cares

First, to my agent, Curtis Russell of P.S. Literary Agency. You took a chance on an unsolicited manuscript in your slush pile, and here we are. Thank you for taking a leap with me. I won’t let you down.

Matthew Farrell

Bestselling Author of , What Have You Done

Thanks to my tireless agent, Carly Watters, for believing in this book and for reminding me (again and again), it only takes one “Yes!”

Cara Sue Achterberg

Author of , Another Good Dog

Firstly, a great big thank-you to my agent extraordinaire, Cecilia Lyra, who helped me bulldoze my way into a story that’s been quietly percolating for years. I couldn’t have written this book without CeCe’s brilliant insight and ongoing encouragement. This was a wonderfully collaborative process, which made the whole experience much less lonely than it might otherwise have been. I am in awe of CeCe’s talent and how epically fierce she is. Thanks as well to the brilliant Carly Watters for so generously sharing her expertise and support, as well as the involvement of the whole P.S. Literary team who championed me and the story along every step of the way. David and Curtis, you went above and beyond, and I’m incredibly grateful for your involvement.

Bianca Marais

Author of , The Witches of Moonshyne Manor

Thank you, Carly Watters, literary agent extraordinaire, who gave me the wonderful author experience of “The Call.” I have loved working with you and appreciate everything you have done for me. I’m so excited to be on your team.

Susie Orman Schnall

Author of , The Subway Girls

This book would not have blossomed without my agent, Carly Watters of P.S. Literary Agency. Carly has an amazing gift of insight that lets her see the flowers through the thicket. Early in the pruning of this book, her deftness with the hedge clippers greatly improved the story.

Glendy Vanderah

Bestselling Author of , Where the Forest Meets the Stars

It has been a pleasure working with Curtis and his team. This man is a great negotiator. He is also extremely well respected in the industry. And he’s smart! I’m glad to have him on my side.

Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Bestselling Author

To Carly Watters, my ever-supportive literary agent, whose notes and advice on my first three test stories were invaluable.

Colin Mochrie

Author of , Not Quite the Classics

To Curtis Russell at P.S. Literary Agency, thanks for being the most patient literary agent in the world. True story.

Steve Patterson

Author of , The Book of Letters I Didn't Know Where to Send

I don’t know where I would be were it not for my intrepid and incredible agent, Maria Vicente. There’s no one I’d rather take this journey with than you, my beautiful, Buffy-loving babe. You’re a saint for handling all my late-night texts and feelings and junk. Let’s do this again sometime.

Sam Maggs

Author of , Wonder Women

I am indebted to Curtis Russell, Agent Extraordinaire. From the first, you understood and shared my vision for this book.

Leslie Nagel

Bestselling Author of , The Book Club Murders

Carly Watters and P.S. Literary Agency, for believing in my ideas through version 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and beyond.

Debby Carreau

Author of , The Mentor Myth

A huge thank-you to my Super Agent Carly Watters for her guidance, patience, and collaborative nature.

Karen Katchur

Author of , The Sisters of Blue Mountain

Every time I write a book I say thank you to my agent, Curtis Russell, and my editor, Kate Cassaday. Thank you is not enough. Without Curtis none of the books I’ve published in the last six years – crap, Curtis … them’s a lotta words! – would have been written. When Curtis first approached me about writing a book I was less than enthusiastic. Having had several bad experiences with other Canadian publishers, I was determined never to write another book. When he expressed interest in repping me, I was profane. He was not deterred. A kind and thoughtful man, Curtis is made of tough stuff. I didn’t scare him away (thank heavens), and from the very beginning he diligently negotiated some pretty sweet deals for me. And I LOVE that he thinks I’m funny.

Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Bestselling Author of , Money Talks

I’d like to extend a special thank-you to my book agent, Curtis Russell.

Mark Cullen

Author of , The New Canadian Garden

Thank you to Maria Vicente for seeing the seeds for a book in our science recaps and for being an all-around rockstar agent.

Nina Nesseth and Casey Griffin

Authors of , The Science of Orphan Black

Carly Watters enthusiastically helped plan and organize the concept of the book and helped pave the way to find a publisher.

Paulette Lambert

Author of , The Wellness Kitchen

It’s been said countless times by countless authors, no one writes a book in a vacuum. In my case, with this book, I’ve had a team of dedicated professionals lending their expertise and opinions, starting with my agent, Curtis Russell…

C. Hoyt Caldwell

Author of , Savage Reckoning

My literary agent, Carly Watters, is the number one reason I can now say I have two published books on bookshelves across North America. She was the one who spearheaded Anchorboy, and she was the one who encouraged me to get to work right away on a second book even if I was somewhat unsure about my ability to get the work done. Carly never stopped believing that I could finish another one, and along the way she offered wonderful advice and encouragement about the text. She’s not just an agent but a great friend in my life.

Jay Onrait

Bestselling Author of , Number Two

To Maria Vicente, the best agent in the ‘verse, because you found me, made me into an author, and helped shape this book.

Sam Maggs

Bestselling Author of , The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy

Working with Curtis and P.S. Literary Agency has been a wonderful experience. The fact that I’m a new author, Curtis took the time to take me through the steps, and put a killer proposal together. My first book is about to be published, and I look forward to a bright future. Much success to a great group!

Tommy Europe


To my fantastic agent, Carly Watters, who helped make this book what it is and has been an invaluable support to me throughout the process.

Andrea Dunlop

Author of , Losing the Light

I want to thank my agent, Carly Watters, for pulling me from the slush pile and taking a chance on me. Your belief and support overwhelm me. I couldn’t have asked for a better guide and advocate.

Karen Katchur

Author of , The Secrets of Lake Road

As always, a huge hug to my agent, Curtis Russell. Dude, you never disappoint.

Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Bestselling Co-Author of , CEO of Everything

I owe a special debt to Carly Watters, my literary agent, who had to persuade me that this was a worthwhile project.

Larry Smith

Author of , No Fears, No Excuses

As a new author, I have received tremendous help and advice from the P.S. Literary Agency in getting my manuscript polished and published. Thank you very much!

Nattavudh (Nick) Powdthavee


My agent, Curtis Russell of PS Literary Agency, gave me invaluable feedback on my early drafts.

Liz Bugg

Author of , Yellow Vengeance

Carly, you have been amazing through this entire process, and I am forever grateful.

Jay Onrait

Bestselling Author of , Anchorboy

To Curtis Russell, Nick Garrison, Kate Cassaday and the HarperCollins team, thank you for feelin’ my vision and shaping an amazing book.

Tommy Europe

Author of , The 10-Pound Shred

Curtis Russell, agent extraordinaire, persisted and convinced me this was the right time to do a new book, and then found me a great publisher with which to work.

Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Bestselling Author of , Debt-Free Forever

My literary agent, Curtis Russell, has been an unfailing provider of support throughout the completion of this book, and I’d like to thank him personally for constantly reminding me that I really have an interesting story to tell.

Nattavudh (Nick) Powdthavee

Author of The , Happiness Equation

The entire Stats Canada team would like to thank Carly Watters, Justin Stoller, everybody at Penguin who helped turn this book into something coherent…


Authors of , Stats Canada: Satire on a National Scale

I would like to thank Curtis Russell, P.S. Literary Agency and Rowman & Littlefield for believing in this book and shaping the final project into a fantastic representation of baseball history. A great baseball fan himself, Curtis and his staff are the reason these stories are able to be shared with the fans who read this book.

Rocco Constantino

Author of , 50 Moments that Defined Major League Baseball